
Code Pattern: Disaster Donations Website

15 November 2019

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I wrote a quick code pattern for IBM Developer. To start, I’ll show you how to create an IBM Cloud Hyper Protect DBaaS MongoDB instance, a managed MongoDB instance with encrypted connections and storage. You’ll then build and deploy a Python backend application that converts RESTful JSON requests into Mongo calls, to make it easier to interface with the database. Finally, you’ll build and deploy a Node.js application using the Express framework to serve a static website that employs jQuery to make requests to the Python backend app; this, in turn, can be served over HTTPS. The result is a donations website that can accept credit card details and send some of this sensitive information to a database, ensuring that it is encrypted at all times. By running the applications on an IBM Cloud Hyper Protect Virtual Server, you can ensure that the storage used by the applications is also encrypted.